Solar panels aren’t just for homeowners – more and more businesses around the world are choosing to have solar panels installed. If you own a business and your premises are suitable, installing panels could be a great move for futureproofing your business.
Why Invest in Solar Panels?
Although installing solar panels in your business premises will come with an initial cost, over time they can pay for themselves over and over again. The more energy you use in your operation, the more you can benefit from investing in solar panels.
Save Money on Energy Bills
It goes without saying, generating your own solar energy will save your business a lot of money in energy bills. With gas and electric costs rising significantly, now could be a good time to invest in solar panels – For every kWh of energy the panels generated, that’s one kWh less you’ll need to buy from a supplier. Particularly if you run a business that uses a lot of energy – perhaps you’re operating a lot of machinery, or even just a large number of desktop computers.
Less Reliance on The Grid
For a business that relies on electricity to operate, a power cut can cause any number of issues. By installing solar panels and generating your own power, you reduce your reliance on the grid and so reduce the risk of power outages. You’ll also be safe from fluctuating gas and electricity prices, making forecasting and budgeting far easier.
Earn Money Back With the Smart Export Guarantee
If you generate more energy than you use and choose not to store it in a battery, then you can sell the excess back to the grid. The Smart Export Guarantee means that any electricity you don’t use will be sold to an energy supplier. The exact price the supplier will pay per kWh will vary between suppliers, but the average tariff is approximately 3.5-4p per kWh.
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Of course, one of the most important reasons to invest in solar panels is to reduce your company’s carbon footprint. Using electricity which has been generated via traditional methods, i.e. burning fossil fuels, means you are indirectly adding more carbon emissions to our planet’s atmosphere. If you reduce your reliance on the National Grid in favour of using renewable solar power, you can reduce your business’ carbon footprint significantly and help in the fight against global warming.
Improve Your Company’s Image
Sustainability is becoming ever more important to consumers and is often a major factor in the decision to buy from a business. Installing solar panels will show that your business is environmentally conscious which could result in an improved public image, an advantage over your competitors, and even increased revenue.
Considering solar panel installation for your business? Get in touch with Ecolectrix today; our team will be happy to help.